- Antifoam/Defoamer
- Asphaltene Dispersant & Inhibitors
- Deoiler / Water Clarifier
- Demulsifier / Emulsion Breaker
- Hydrate Inhibitor & Anti Agglomerant
- Paraffin Inhibitor, Paraffin Dispersant, Pour Point Depressant
- Scale Inhibitor/Scale Dissolver
- Slop Oil/Sludge Breaker
- 3-in-1 Hydrotest Chemical
- Dye
- Biocide
- Corrosion Inhibitor
- H2S Scavenger
- Oxygen Scavenger
- General & Biodegradable Degreaser
- Biodegradable Rigwash
- Biodegradable Rust Remover
- Sludge Dispersant
- Wax Dispersant
- Boiler Treatment
- Cooling Water Treatment
- Waste Water Treatment
Chemicals for Petrochemical Plants, Power Plants, Gas Processing Plants, Refinery and General Industries.
Mechanical cleaning (confined space entry and/or non-entry) with the “Fill & Soak Method” using our formulated cleaning chemical